In this course, we will be using the style common to anthropologists and others in the social and natural sciences (in-text or author-date citations).
Proposal Handout
Go the link below for a description of the research proposal. Yes, the example on the page is a honors thesis proposal, so I don't expect an extensive
Project Groups
Groups for Fall 2017 ANT 291 By Team Beresheim, Annie 1 Im, Katie 1 Scott, Juliet 1 Landsberger, Alexa 2 McGinn,
Relevant courses and other resources
I will keep adding to this throughout the semester. Feel free to email me suggestions of things to add. courses is an online
Using Zotero
Setting up Zotero Think of Zotero (a free, open source, easy to use program) not only as a citation management tool, but a program that lets you
(Adopted from handout by Sarah Crissinger) What is