- Download and Install R
R is open-source (aka free) software that provides a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. - Download and Install R-Studio
RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. What that means is that it is a front-end for R, making it more friendly since you can see a number of windows that let’s you operate in R much more easily. Resources is a collection of online classes and tutorials for professionals; as a Davidson student, you have free access to To get use courses, first go to, and set up an account using your campus userid. You can then click on the links from this page and add this course to your personal playlist. I would advise not going through each step of a course (it is very time-consuming), but instead look up the parts that you need. For example, if you want step-by-step instructions on installing R and RStudio, go to the Up and Running with R course and watch the first three videos in the Getting Started section.
- Up and Running with R
For installing R and R Studio on your computer and learning the basics about using R - Social Network Analysis Using R
For installing igraph and step-by-step use of igraph in R for SNA.