(Adopted from handout by Sarah Crissinger)
What is Hypothes.is?
- https://via.hypothes.is/http://acrlog.org/2016/06/28/scholcomm-undergrads/
- Create an account and make a note or two. Try replying to someone else’s note.
Note: you can make your annotations public or private; if they are private and you make them as part of our course group, then only people in the group (e.g., the class) can see them. Note the differences between highlighting and commenting.
To use Hypothes.is easily, you really need the Chrome extension or a Browser plug-in.
- https://hypothes.is/
- Install the plug-in if you use Chrome. Otherwise, grab the bookmarklet.
- Using advanced annotation techniques can make your annotations better.
How are we going to use Hypothes.is?
- Join our group: https://hypothes.is/groups/6bbaLnbv/ant-291-fall-2017
- In order to make an annotation that will only be seen by our group, change the top left dropdown menu from public to ANT 291 Fall 2017
- Review guidelines for annotations: http://sts.anthro-seminars.net/handouts/making-annotations/
- Use the group space to see what specific users have said/see how your colleagues are doing annotations
- Examples of annotations:
Help pages: https://hypothes.is/docs/help
More examples/ live stream: https://hypothes.is/stream
Group functionality: https://hypothes.is/annotating-with-groups/