What’s the connection of Brazilian hippies and urban planners to better understanding digital life?
Alternative modernities: the particular historical contexts of colonization and modernity in various locations around the world have produced different social and political frameworks. Adaption and innovation.
Subjectivity: the dynamic and unresolved tension between bodily, self and social/political processes. This broad definition comes from Kleinman (medical anthropologist), Good (psychological anthropologist), and Biehl (public health anthropologist), and is cited by Heckenberger 2012. Here’s a link to the book (for Davidson students). In the Biehl, et.al. volume, they go on to say that “the study of individual subjectivity as both a strategy of existence and a material and means of governance helps to recast assumptions about the workings of collectivities and institutions” (2007:5). So what does this have to do with information technologies and the posthuman?
Performative Citationality: from Judith Butler: past practices and discourse orient the movements, actions, and experiences of the human bodies that inhabit these spaces.