Artificial intelligence, also known as “AI,” is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. Academically, it is a field of study which aims to create intelligence. Essentially, an “intelligent agent” is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its changes of success [1].
While artificial intelligence is of course in many ways completely revolutionary, it also poses obvious threats.
In a recent interview with BBC, British physicist Stephen Hawking stated: “Once humans develop artificial intelligence it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate,”
At a talk at MIT this past October, Tesla founder Elon Musk, called artificial intelligence “our greatest existential threat…With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon” [2].
In the Ted Talk posted below titled “Artificial Intelligence and the Future,” André LeBlanc, will explain the current and future impacts of artificial intelligence on industries, science, and how it will accelerate human progress.
In his presentation, LeBlanc states:”[Artificial Intelligence] is growing at an exponential rate, and what’s exciting about it is we are not even at 1% of what artificial intelligence is going to be…by year 2035, computers will be as intelligent as humans…by 2045 computers will be more intelligent than all of humans combined” [3].