In the 1990’s, Sherry Turkle had positive things to say about playing in MUDs (multi-user virtual worlds). She discusses how often times, these MUDs appear depressing and dangerous to the players themselves. However, it is because of virtual reality, people are able to face fears without consequences. It is because of virtual reality, people can more healthily function in society rather than be caged off from society by the virtual reality.
It is through facing fears and creating and understanding situations more greatly through virtual reality that people are more capable of functioning and participating in society. It is by taking what one learns from the virtual world and reenacting it in the actual that people benefit. The virtual worlds allow us to see a stimulation of a very real situation and how others as well as one’s self may react.
Willem-Paul Brinkman goes into more detail about overcoming fears and facing emotionally draining situations through stimulated reality. http://