Quotes from Ryan article, The Digital Graveyard: Online Social Networking as Vehicles of Remembrance. Online social networking practices entail the
Cyborgs and UX design: Lecture Notes
“view from nowhere”: (from Haraway 1991, 188– 90)— an omniscient position, which allows people to simultaneously see and know everything going on
The importance of space in the posthuman: Lecture Notes
it is not our potential forms of disembodiment that make us posthuman but rather the way in which this historical movement away from prior cultural
Play and Participatory Design: Lecture Notes
Theorists characterize play as: a subjective experience of freedom an absence of social obligation and physical necessity a subjective
Taking play seriously: Lecture Notes
Play as active aesthetic experience: WoW is a video game, but it is also a visual-performative medium. The goal of most WoW activities is to
Griefing as everyday resistance: Lecture Notes
Boellstorrf defines griefing as "participation in a virtual world with the intent of disrupting the experience of others" (Boellstorrf 2010:185). The