RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a lifesaver – it lets me quickly scan relevant news that I’ve pre-selected, and lets me quickly pick and choose what I really want to read. I’ve selected a number of feeds based on my interests and needs – The Economist, NY Times articles on China and East Asia, China Digital Times, motorcycle publications, etc. RSS readers allow you to see new articles and posts added to websites that you select. As you can see in the images, I keep track of who has posted on the class website using RSS.
Many resources on the web can be added using RSS, and there are many convenient apps (google RSS readers) to choose from, as fits your own style. I like RSS readers that let me group sites by categories and keep track of what I’ve scanned, and that syncs between phone and computer. I also need a “clip to Evernote” functionality in RSS readers (I’ll explain how I use Evernote later) so that I can save and find everything later. In terms of which sites to keep track of, you have to find what works for you. I used to keep track of ESPN news, but I found that I kept marking the category as read without flipping through the articles, so I ended up removing ESPN from my feedly account.
Try using RSS readers to make your life simpler, so you can quickly keep track of the news that you need. As a student, it will help you keep track of things so that you have the latest word: you can RSS the class website, and see everytime something new is posted, such as the announcement for tomorrow’s entrepreneurship internship information session or the community project teams for this class.