Truthfully, the integration of support groups into the internet, marks the digitalization of personal therapy. However, these “safe spaces” have a set of rules that govern the dialogue known as Netiquette. These rules, outlined below mark the simple set of manners that keep the forum interesting and moving the a positive direction.
These rules include…
1.)Stay on topic
2.)Turn the Caps Lock Off
3.)Don’t Double Post
Aside from violating rule number 2, rule number 4 shows the redefinition of the term troll. This term has become synonymous with douchebaggery on the web and is characterized by the uncalled for preying of individuals on vulnerable members of the online community. These “trolls” will actively drive conflict into online forums, ruining the sanctity of various digital communities.
The anonymity provided by the web enables people to invade the personal lives individuals who come, looking for help, to an internet community. You would never expect someone to walk into an AA meeting bullying the individuals within it, without serious repercussions, be them physical or not. It seems instead the web has created a convenient place for people to seek help, only to be struck down by people looking to get their cheap jollies at someone else’s expense. So, is it really a safe community if someone can ruing your life from across the country, while sitting at their desk chair?