For the last few decades, a lasting adage regarding work is that you’ll have multiple careers throughout your life. This is no longer the age of staying with a company for life. Now throw this curveball into your plans – can your job be replaced by an algorithm?
We all know the Salvation Day predicted by the Terminator series and dismiss it as mere science fiction. Granted, sentience is a bit of a stretch. What if, however, we cannot tell whether something is man-made or machine made? Try this quiz by a recent New York Times article and see can you tell whether you are able to differentiate something constructed by an algorithm and something not.
Writing is not the only thing codes have taken over. A Youtube video titled Humans Need Not Apply explains the process in which, over the human experience, we have made life simpler through automating tasks, like farming and making cars. Codes, however, is nothing more than automating tasks by telling a computer exactly what we want done. If your job can be done and made more efficient by a Macbook, how will life change for you and everybody else with a similar job?