The future in vehicle technology goes beyond hybrid and electric cars and into the hands of automated driving technology manufacturers. Today’s emerging technology front will provide a new generation of driving technology, with cars that are able to “communicate” with one another. Automated driving technology will inevitably increase safety, decrease traffic congestion, increase energy efficiency, and enhance driver productivity.
General Motors has announced the expected release of a new automated driving vehicle in 2 years and Toyota is currently working on implementing Automated Driving Highway Assist technology. Most, if not all, car manufacturers are pushing to be the most innovative and bring this new technology to the market.
However, the biggest issue with this technology is regulation. The US Department of Transportation will need to oversee this process, as well as make sure its safety is as reliable as promised. And as we know all too well, any government led process is likely to take a significant amount of time.
Consumers will also need to become comfortable with a new era in driving. The idea of sending emails and text messages while your car drives itself to work is an exciting yet optimistic one, as drivers will still be expected to be attentive while driving their vehicles. Cruise control highway automation and parking automation will need to gain traction with consumers and break into everyday driver’s habits before fully automated cars are manufactured.
This new technology is exciting and has the potential to change not only the automobile sector, but the transportation industry in general. While it could be at least another decade until fully automated cars are seen on the road, slowly but surely new automated driving technologies will be approved by the Department of Transportation and will gain the trust of consumers who allow their car to be robot-driven.