As the world and individuals become increasingly reliant on new forms of technology, groups and society is becoming more and more based on the individual rather than the community in terms of interaction. However, although often criticized for being isolating, SMS (social media sites) keep societies together in a world that is constantly being torn apart by new technological advances that encourage isolation (i.e. video games etc…).
It is through different forms of social media sites that one is able to use technology to connect with others in a more wider stance from the very comforts of one’s own bed. It is through social media that ideas are more easily and broadly spread. Horst and Miller believe that “their main impact is to redress some of the isolating and individualizing impacts of other new technologies and allow people to return to certain kinds of intense and interwoven forms of social relationship that they otherwise feared were being lost,” especially in societies that become overwhelmed by instantaneous floods of new advances. Social Media is simply the new form of connectedness that humans have evolved to using.