Tacchi 2013
Starting point: Amartya Sen’s point how culture matters in development.
The myth(?) of ICT as transformative technology in developing societies? Are digital technologies beneficial to all citizens and access to ICT the only barrier?
Use of digital storytelling as giving voice to those not participating in wider discourse. Idea of ‘participatory content creation.’
“the politics of recognition suggests that a redistribution of material resources for speaking or voice is inadequate unless there is also a shift in the hierarchies of value and attention accorded different actors and communities” (Tacchi 2013). Do we really respect alternative forms of knowledge, or do we want to make people learn how to do it “the right way”?
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Drazin 2013
Design Anthropology
“Design work’s focus has gradually shifted away from points of view which are entirely driven by building technologies towards also exploring ideas of need, local values, relationships and identities” (Drazin 2013)
“Design, then, is becoming a popular, public activity, and it potentially signifies shifts in the balance of power and expertise between companies and publics. The question is, as the skills to make and work with products become popularized , is this an empowerment of publics in relation to corporations or a neutralization as they align themselves cloer to corporate thinking?” (Drazin 2013)
Human-Computer Interaction as a field. How do people actually use technology? The idea of participatory design.