In the past year, hackers have been an increasing threat to US security. Last December, Sony was hacked and emails exchanges were put online for all to read. Now, just a few days ago, Chipotle‘s twitter feed and website were hacked. These hackers changed the company’s avatar to a swastika and tweeted out multiple racist and offensive tweets about Obama as well as anti-government statements. These included things such as, “Fuck the government and the FBI, ur all frauds that line ur pockets hahaha losers, fuck you all” and “We are in full support of the Nazi Party. Fuck that nigger Obama!”.
This fear of cyberattacks, however, is not a new concern. Apparently, government officials have been afraid of this terrorism for years. The video below is a compilation of government officials expressing their concerns about these attacks and the importance of acknowledging the risks of cyberspace. They believe that we aren’t appropriately equipped to handle these attacks and it is imperative that cybersecurity is increased so that the threat is lessened. If we do not do something about the lack of appropriate cybersecurity soon, serious attacks may become more prevalent and could do some detrimental damage to major companies as well as the government.